jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

Composicion #12

Difference between female and male boss

If I have a female boss I will have an organizated work, comonlly the women use to have all the things oganizated, but if I have a male boss the work will be more desorganizate, the men use to be more desorganizate.

If I have a female boss do bussiness will be complicated because the woman are too sentimental and its possible than she  say yes for something that isn`t convenient, but If I have a male boss the bussiness will go better because they think with cold head and its possible than he do a better job with that.

If I have a female boss the bussiness won`t be corrupted because she will say the truth comonlly, but if I have a male boss the bussiness will be corrupted a lot, because they lies a lot and its possible than they sell the bussiness for a better offer.
Resultado de imagen para jefa de empresa dibujo

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