jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

Composicion #9

My goals in the future

What do you want to do in te future?

In the future I want to be an architect, I want to have my own car and have a house
I want to be married with 2 children, Iwant to work in the bussines of my father and then I want to do my own bussines.

I want to travel to other countries or cities, like France or Italy.
I want to speak other languages like French, a good english and Japanese it it´s possible.
Finally I want to be a goo flag footbal player, and be a painter.

Why are they important goals in your life?

They are important goals in my life because I think that a balance is important.

Be an architect is important for me bacause if I finish my career I will get a good job or do my own bussines, and that is iportant because with this I will win money to live and do my another goals.

I want to have my own car and house because with this I will travel by car and I won´t have to pay a rent, I will have only to pay the services.

I want to be married because I think that is important to have a family because the family are the people that are going to be with you all of your life.

I want to travel because I like to meet other cultures and for that I need to speak another languages.

I want to be a good flag football player because I like a lot that sport and It will be a good distractor like painting.
Resultado de imagen para arquitecta dibujo

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